Goodbye, Alex!
Our research assistant, Alex Riley, is leaving us to pursue his career as a science writer. Thanks for all your hard work, Alex, and best of luck!
Our research assistant, Alex Riley, is leaving us to pursue his career as a science writer. Thanks for all your hard work, Alex, and best of luck!
Charlie Underwood provides comment for this BBC article!
Our new paper has just been published!
Early development of rostrum saw-teeth in a fossil ray tests classical theories of the evolution of vertebrate dentitions
DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.1628
And our new sawshark paper was featured in Science News!
The team has a new paper just published in Royal Society Open Science!
A fantastic meeting organised by Kate Trinajstic, with Moya Smith giving a talk on the enigmatic sawfish, Schizorhiza! The conference dinner at Melbourne Aquarium was a real highight.
From the sawfish swimming in the oceans today to some of those species that went extinct at the end of the Cretaceous Period, I presented some of our recent work at the Natural History Museum in London. My next Nature Live is scheduled for September 13th 2015.
Our group will be very well represented at the upcoming IAFSB in Portugal, looking forward to it!
Our new paper in PLoS has been published!
Development and Evolution of Dentition Pattern and Tooth Order in the Skates And Rays (Batoidea; Chondrichthyes)
Charlie J. Underwood , Zerina Johanson, Monique Welten, Brian Metscher, Liam J. Rasch, Gareth J. Fraser, Moya Meredith Smith
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122553
Our research into conserved genetic pathways in tooth patterning and development now encompasses one of the most basal bony fish -- the american paddlefish. Both sonic hedgehog and Bmp4 play important roles in odontogenesis in this species.
News article: